‘Gone today, hair tomorrow: the world of hair transplants’
Rooney-transplant-gate caused the mysterious underworld of male hair grooming to come directly into the (bald)spot-light, with more men enquiring into the options available.
Lee Kynaston author of groomingguru.co.uk editor of Men’s Health online and writer for The Daily Telegraph talks through the different possibilities for today’s ‘follicley’ challenged man:
“As well as transplants there are laser therapy treatments, which claim to bring follicles back to life, stimulating hair growth. There are nifty little weaves that attach to your existing barnet, and a concealer called Nanogen, essentially microscopic hairlike fibres that you sprinkle on your scalp like hundreds and thousands, and which cling to your thinning strands (nanogenhair.com).”
“There is even hope for billiard-ball baldies in the shape of a tattooing treatment that creates the effect of scalp stubble (hishairclinic.com).”
HIS Hair (Hair Improvement Specialists) is the pioneer of the MHT® scalp pigmentation treatment that creates a short shaved look for balding men. MHT® is a simple solution with virtually no down-time meaning that men can go back to their daily life full of confidence.
(From the article) Mark Simpson, author of Metrosexy: A 21st Century Self-Love Story and a leading authority on the shifting nature of masculinity said; 'Rooney's outing was a watershed moment, It's a sign that something has changed. These days, there's much less shame about men caring about their appearance. In fact, there's quite a lot of out-of-the-closet pride.'
For more from Lee kynaston visit www.groomingguru.co.uk follow @grooming_guru